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Three ways to build an agile workforce in light of disruption

Times are feeling unstable for many CEOs. There are a number of disruptions that can potentially impact business continuity — inflation, labor and skill shortages, and geopolitical conflicts just to name a few.

Though these issues aren’t new, the way they’re interconnecting and colliding is — and their collision is likely adding more complexity to workforce strategy.

What’s an organization to do? Make bold decisions at the risk of miscalculating or hit the pause button on growth and innovation? To make the best decisions for your business, you should have the right data.

Read Three ways to build an agile workforce in light of disruption to learn:

  • How to navigate through economic uncertainty with a skills-based approach to hiring and workforce practices.

  • How to help employees feel more motivated and engaged — and what it means to make work more meaningful.

  • What’s hindering tech adoption and how supporting leaders and new technologies can help.

There are many external challenges driving organizations to rethink their workforce strategies. HR benchmarks and people analytics could be one approach to helping you transform your workforce into a lever for resilience during these continued tough times.

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